One of the most crucial fiduciary responsibilities that panels have should be to maintain confidentiality. This means that panel members shouldn’t share secret details with any other individual over and above the organization unless authorized by the board.

Tips on how to Protect Confidential Documents for the purpose of Boards

The first thing in ensuring that the board provides secure entry to confidential docs is to use a secure board portal. These types of websites are designed to fulfill industry reliability standards and require a different password to sign in every time.

Second, consider storage your private documents digitally. These records can then be kept on secure network generates or shared only with other authorized users via a secure file sharing application that as well meets sector security criteria.

Third, if you are finished with a document or file, safely destroy it. This might include newspapers copies, and is done with a trusted data destruction partner that uses cold weather and permanent magnetic destruction technology to ensure the confidential info is very destroyed.

Finally, review your confidentiality policy and make sure it protects all material information (including material table information). This will help owners better figure out their obligations, a company can easily instill a culture of voluntary compliance with the insurance plan, and a court can look for it the moment analyzing a duty of privacy claim.

Creating a formal written confidentiality coverage for your not for profit board is a good idea, but it really can be a theme that is generally put on reserve until a crisis situation arises. These types of crises may be stressful, and it’s better to have a comprehensive confidentiality policy in place prior to anything does not go right.